12 Days of Christmas

Day 12: Anticipation I have been watching this flower for over a week now with growing excitement. According to the label it is Narcissus fernandesii grown from seed planted in 2014. Each day I monitored its progress, watching as the perianth elongated and slowly started to open. Yesterday I could see the anthers and the

12 Days of Christmas

Day 2: Galanthus elwesii ‘Mrs Macnamara’ For many Christmas may have been a little more low key, minimalist or subdued than usual; perhaps solitary but I hope not lonely. Christmas for the Croft Gardeners is always secular and modest, but perhaps with a touch of hedonism as befits the Winter Festival. Today it is raining

Rain Lily

Even by Hebridean standards, November and December have been particularly wet, ranging from the grey, wet blanket dreich to torrential rain with a liberal sprinkling of squalls. The calvalcade of westerly depressions has been accompanied by some blustery winds, but so far we have been spared the storm force winds. So there has been no