12 Days of Christmas

Day 2: Galanthus elwesii ‘Mrs Macnamara’ For many Christmas may have been a little more low key, minimalist or subdued than usual; perhaps solitary but I hope not lonely. Christmas for the Croft Gardeners is always secular and modest, but perhaps with a touch of hedonism as befits the Winter Festival. Today it is raining […]

In the Shade

Unless you have rolling acres and very deep pockets, it is unlikely that you will have a garden that has everything you could desire. Most of us have to do the best we can with the mix of climatic and soil conditions that nature provides, and try to create the rest by innovation. In my […]

January means January?

As January draws to a close we’re still wrapped in a cocoon of grey spun from wet silvery threads of salty cloud whipped up from a plumbean sea by the breath of Zephyrus. The rain slowly dissolves the coating of salt from the windows to reveal a monochrome landscape highlighted only by a pale yellow […]