Wordless Wednesday – seeking shelter

A garden is the purest of human pleasures, it is the greatest refreshment to the spirits of man. Francis Bacon

4 thoughts on “Wordless Wednesday – seeking shelter

  1. Tough little things though. Here, they are all inclined at an angle as it it is still a couple of degrees below zero

    • I have a few small clumps of snowdrops which manage to survive in the sheltered corners of the garden. These are plain old nivalis, some of the other species have produced leaves but no flowers yet. Ladies E & B.S from your garden are growing nicely in pots but had to be rescued from the cold frame as they were being nibbled by voles. They’re no flowering beautifully in the greenhouse.

      • Glad to hear the ladies are still performing for you, Christine 🙂

  2. You can’t argue with that. Francis Bacon knew a thing or two.

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