Day Six 27 November 2020

My garden is too exposed for climbers and shrubs, but our native honeysuckle (Lonicera periclymenum) is more of a scrambler than a climber. Tucked in a sheltered corner it rambles and roams through the rocks and driftwood, and meanders along the wall. Each year it is severely pruned by the autumn gales, but reappears the following spring to fill the garden with a heady scent that is more reminiscent of an English country garden, than a croft garden on a windy Scottish island. Warm, sunny afternoons, fragrant with honeysuckle – “À la Recherche du Temps Perdu”!
Cathy’s Week Of Flowers is drawing to a close, but if you visit the Words and Herbs website you can enjoy the photographs of flowers posted by gardeners who accepted the challenge to spread a little happiness.
The smell of Lonicera really is ‘heady’ and always takes me back to my childhood when we hand one outside our back door. A bonus that the native one not only has large and pretty flowers but also rambles and survives your climate well. 😃
I love honeysuckle on the air.
The essence of a summer evening.
Lovely honeysuckle but I just love the rock. Having grown up in the Peak District I long for big boulders.
Boulders and great big rocks are in abundance. We have a love hate relationship, but Lewisian gneiss is a very superior sort of granite, especially when veined with rose quartz.