6 thoughts on “Hurricane Season?

  1. Beautiful! I know the wind is tiresome over the winter but the changes are always interesting.

    • I never tire of watching the weather through my window. I confess I love watching the storms – although impossible to convey in a photograph. It’s now 5pm and the sun is out, the sea is full of white horses and the spray is breaking over the rocks. It is still very blustery but as the wind is from the south it is warm.
      My desk is next to a large (floor to ceiling window) which overlooks the grassland and then there is the sea and the sky and Newfoundland via St Kilda. I admit to spending more time looking out of the window than at the computer screen.

  2. I hope you’ve got everything pegged down well. The seascape must look amazing!

    • Thank you. I knew this was on its way – so anything vulnerable was well protected and has survived.

  3. I think there’s more on the way. What a windy, windy year it’s been. Shipping forecast best guide to weather. Grr…..

    • I was listening tothe Shipping Forecast this morning and with storm force winds predicted wondered whether I had spoken too soon!
      Just enough time to collect all the small pots of herbs from the garden and tuck them up under cover, and shroud the big ones in enviromesh.
      Looks like the wind might start the autumn tidy-up for me!

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