It was very tempting to photography another posy of dwarf narcissi with Aquilegia leaves as the delicate flowers seemed to be dancing in the morning sunlight. Instead I chose a handful of Muscari in a small Poole Pottery pot. Not as elegant but the intense colour of the blooms is striking. I particularly like the knobbly texture of the flower heads, although I’m not sure that the contrast of the ferny leaves of the caraway is quite right. Most bulbs produce fairly boring strap-shaped leaves, so I’m struggling to find foliage for my posies.
I’ve photographed the arrangement from above because this little pot of flowers invites you to bury your nose in the blooms. These tiny flowers produce a heavy perfume that is rich with honey. No wonder they are a favourite with the early bumblebees!
Grape Hyacinths are perfect for posies. Yours looks lovely with its frilly ruff. I can’t resist blue flowers.
I definitely favour blue flowers although there are times when pink makes a bid for ascendency in the garden. I was looking at the flowers this morning and the edge of each flower is gathered in and ruffled with white. I’m sure there is a technical term for this but it is too early in the morning!
I really love the scent of Muscari – I can even bring them indoors without anyone complaining!
The perfume is almost a secret (perhaps just for the bees) and you have to great quite close to detect it.
Hi Christine – the muscari look really fresh in this Poole pot, don’t they? And I am not sure if I realised they were fragrant – certainly adding to my education on Mondays these days! You are right about the foliage of course – I considered aquilegia this morning too, oh and cut some astrantia leaves which IMMEDIATELY flopped, so I was well chuffed to notice the luzula even it wasn’t the foliage I used but had the effect of foliage. I do like muscari but am a little tentative about letting them loose in case they make a takeover bid 😉 Thanks for contributing again
Morning Rambler. I know Muscari have bad habits, but I wouldn’t be without them. They’re great in pots: think a long thin trough full of deep blue or even pale blue flowers place at sniffing level. Without shrubs foliage is difficult at this time of year, there isn’t much choice and most of it is too soft for cutting. I’m enjoying taking part in this meme, it is a challenge and encourages a closer look at the flowers. It is also a great time waster, it is not so much the arranging as the photographer!
I do agree about containerising muscari – but I find it sad when I see it where it has gone wild in people’s gardens, and so wild that taming it is a near impossible task. I’m glad you are enjoying the vase challenge, but ah yes, the photography…. 😉
I have hundreds of these little perfume packed bloomers, yet never take the time to bend over and collect. The scent seems to fade almost immediately, making the harvest effort expensive. The rabbits and a rogue deer ate the green leaves, yet this did not stop the profuse blooms. Tough plant!
My little blue posy lasted a week and seemed to retain the perfume, although you have to get quite close.
Gorgeous arrangement, I love the strong color contrasts.
Thank you