Man at work

Entomologist at work in the front garden

The Head Gardener is a man of many talents and still surprises me with his ability to acquire new skills. The photographs of insects and fungi which often appear in my posts are his work and, although I always acknowledge his contribution when praise is offered, I think he deserves an individual paean of praise. So I am adorning this post with laurel leaves.


10 thoughts on “Man at work

  1. they are wonderful photos indeed, of natures little details 🙂

    • Using a macro lens opens up a new world. I’ve just started but not quite produced anything worth while yet – but with some practice I may eventually produce something that is OK. Doubt if I’ll ever be as good as Himself.

  2. I do admire the photography on your blog, so please pass on my praise too!

  3. Is photography relatively new to him, then? You wouldn’t think so as the laurel leaves are well deserved. The camera my stepson has loaned/given to me, although still a compact camera, has a ‘best shot’ setting which I have been using and have achieved far better close ups than before, with just the flower or leaf or whatever in focus – not sure I could cope with a macro lens yet, so well done you for making a start. Is that Tagetes ‘Paprika’ in one of the pictures? Mine are much later to flower than the ones I sowed last year (I think – must check back on the blog)

    • The macro work is relatively new, about 3 years but based on experience. Compact cameras produce great results and have the advantage of size and weight. Using an SLR with a macro (or any other lens) is relatively simple especially if you use the automatic settings. I’m still on “automatic” but getting more adventurous and still “junking” 99.99%.
      Tagestes tenuifolia Star Fire mixed.

      • Perhaps I will get adventurous in time too 🙂

      • Never too old to rock n roll

  4. Wow! bravo, Head Gardener!! Excellent photographs – I enjoyed every one. As photography is fast becoming one of my newest obsessions, I find great inspiration in photos such as these.

    • Thank you Astrid. I’m lucky having an expert on hand who has no fears about criticising my amateur efforts and helping me progress. Photography is a great challenge and there is so much good work about to inspire us beginners.

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