9 thoughts on “Small and perfectly formed

  1. Astrid

    These look great! Bet they’ll taste good too…

    • These really are nano veg , not even big enough for a canape. The squashes and the cucumbers will almost certainly make it to the plate – or probably a munch in the garden on the way to the kitchen, but the tomatoes and peppers could be destined for green tomato chutney unless they get a move on!

  2. Baby Veggies! How sweet and what a great shade of green 🙂
    Have you had your share of rain yet up there?

    • Highly photogenic but not yet making a great contribution to the kitchen.
      We’ve had sufficient rain to turn things green and verdant and too produce a rampage of weeds. Fortunately we’re not getting the torrential rain that appears to be drenching the big island and parts of North America.

  3. Beautiful!! Tiny veggies are always exciting because we know they won’t stay tiny for long. Watching them grow is as fun as eating them. 🙂

    • Up here it’s a bit like watching paint dry – they grow very very slowly! But it’s worth the wait.

  4. Those squashes – huh, not speaking to you… My squashes this year, despite being given lots of space and big manure piles to eat, are producing nothing other than mildew. Everything is, mind, probably including me. Seriously, those are so lovely, and they look just perfect… sigh.

    • The tiny squashes look great, good compact plants, good aphid resistance – but no flavour! The courgettes are equally boring this year, too big and flavourless. I think it is the variety rather than the weather. So back to the seed catalogues.
      We are still short of the wet stuff – but I think that someone has bribed the weather gods to move the jet stream. So its back to normal for us with a Force 8 and a monsoon predicted for the weekend. C’est la vie!

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