12 thoughts on “Wordless Wednesday – A Perfect Pair

  1. What an intriguing little (?) plant – is this planted in your spiral? I think it was a spiral you were constructing when we visited but do correct me if I am wrong

    • It is short but spreads, and we’ve already managed to progate it by dividing the rhizomes. Not out doors yet, but one I might try in either the spiral or in-between garden. It is in a hitherto undisclosed location, which I will write about eventually.

      • Ooh, have you had another project quietly on the go…?

  2. Saila

    Oh – what a fantastic colour!

    • I’m pleased you like the combination of greenish yellow with marroon/purple, it is not too everyone’s taste.

  3. How neatly they fold up!

    • A perfect package, almost like origami. I love watching the buds unfold.

  4. Gorgeous, I love irises but this one is new to me. Is it hardy?

    • Fully hardy, but it likes good drainage. My stock plant is only indoors to protect the flowers from the wind. I have the blue version in pots outside which are about to flower.

  5. Flawless – what a fabulous shading!..

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