8 thoughts on “Wordless Wednesday – Gift Wrapped

  1. Hope you have success with the seeds!

    • I hope so too, otherwise I will feel very foolish after decorating the garden with pretty little bags!

      • I am going to rig up some similar bags around some of my witch hazel seed pods

        • They’re a great success. Must admit mine came from hong Kong via a certain on-line retailer!

          • And now I am NOT going to rig up my own after all as I have gone to the same (presumably) on-line retailer and ordered them from there instead although they are not coming from Hong Kong 😉

          • I’m disillusioned, I had visions of you producing beautifully hand-crafted little bags in assorted sizes and colours!

          • Sorry to disappoint you – they would have been plain white muslin but I shall just have to steam lots of puddings in the muslin instead. The others were just too reasonable on eBay – and I did wonder about asking if they could do a mixed batch but just settled for pink…

          • Bet they have pink ribbons too!

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