Wordless Wednesday – Lachenalia aloides var. vanzyliae

L. aloides var. vanzyliae was introduced to Kirstenbosch Botanic Garden in 1927.
It is an unusually coloured form, with conspicuous white bracts and pendulous flowers with green segments, that fade into pale blue at the base.

7 thoughts on “Wordless Wednesday – Lachenalia aloides var. vanzyliae

  1. Blinding us with scientific names we have never heard of again – but accompanied by an in intriguing photo 😉

    • Sorry this one doesn’t have a common name. Not a perfect specimen, it is a little elongated through lack of light. It is one of the refugee plants from the greenhouse and is on a windowsill in the house receiving tlc.

      • Will there be a long wait for replacement panels for your polytunnel? ps booked tickets today

        • We’ve been waiting for a “weather window”, in the end we just got on with it! Now watertight and structurally sound, but we will have to do of the less urgent work in the summer.
          Send me the dates of the Ramblers and Golfers grad tour by e-mail please. I’m so excited!

          • The excitement is mutual 🙂

  2. The intricacy and variation in life in this world is so amazing…Love the photo.

    • Hi Charlie, it has such an unusual combination of colours, especially as the other L.aloides are usually yellow with orange/red or more rarely pink/green combinations.

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