Wordless Wildflower Wednesday – Vipers in the grass

Vipers Bugloss
Viper’s Bugloss Echium vulgare

9 thoughts on “Wordless Wildflower Wednesday – Vipers in the grass

  1. Great photo from the Croft Garden team

    • Thank you. I am trying to improve the quality of my photographs and as a reward for “effort” I’m now allowed to use one of the macro lenses. As an incentive more new “toys” are dangled before my very eyes. I’m sure it’s not an excuse to buy another new lens for the camera bag!

      • I had to hedge my bets with the comment Christine, as you often refer to Mr Croft Garden as the photographer. You are already one up on most of us lesser mortals who don’t have separate lenses – although whatever cameras we have we still need to learn to use them to their best advantage.

        • If the photograph is very good, I’ve “borrowed” it from Himself, if its OK and vaguely in focus it’s mine. The Viper was my latest effort and I was quite pleased with it. You are right expensive and sophisticated cameras do not necessarily produce better photographs.

  2. I didn’t know the English name of this (just looked it up) and find itinteresting that the German name also has a snake reference (“Adder’s Head” -Natternkopf). Lovely picture!

    • Thank you Cathy. Apparently the name is derived from the shape of the seed resembling a snake’s head.

      • Thanks – I was wondering!

  3. Just reading Cathy’s comment and your reply, I just love learning! And yes the photo is a real treat, such a wonderful colour

    • Thank you Claire. The vipers are glorious at the moment and a real favourite with the bumblebees, butterflies and hoverflies.
      I’m a great advocate of life long learning, doesn’t have to be too challenging just enough to poke the grey matter into life.

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