Wordless Wednesday – Hebridean Winter Garden

Reindeer Moss (Cladonia portentosa),  Cladonia chlorophaea, Dog Lichen (Peltigera hymenina)
Reindeer Moss (Cladonia portentosa), Pixie Cups (Cladonia chlorophaea) and Dog Lichen (Peltigera hymenina)

8 thoughts on “Wordless Wednesday – Hebridean Winter Garden

  1. Lovely. The sort of treasures that you can’ t plant but what a delight they are. Pixie cups is such a lovely name.

    • Many of the lichens are beautiful but you do have to get quite close to really appreciate their delicate structures. We occasionally find these “lichen gardens” which I find quite exquisite.

  2. And no prizes for working out which is which (although the dog lichen was by elimination)! I trust you will not be spending Christmas Day with your heads and noses down investigating mosses and lichens and the like…;) Enjoy it though, however you choose to spend it and very best wishes to you both

    • What happens tomorrow depends on the good will of the weather gods, but the study door will be metaphorically locked (it doesn’t have a door as such) and the lids removed from the boxes of Christmas treats – the last of which arrived at 4.00pm this afternoon.
      I’m sure that you and the Golpher will have a lovely day and there will ceratinly be a ramble round the garden too.
      Best wishes from the croft gardeners

      • I thought for a minute you had conjured up a spell to transform the Golfer into a small burrowing rodent but perhaps you have already opened a bottle of Christmas spirit and just mis-typed… 😉 Hope you enjoy opening your other festive treats too and are not called out in the wee small hours with more string to tie your pavilion together. ps and very best wishes to both of you

        • Honest not a drop until the sun was over the yardarm, in December that’s about 3.30pm. Very little is likely to drag me from my bed, well perhaps the tide lapping at the bedroom door!

  3. I really enjoyed your posts over this past year and look forward to sharing your thoughts in 2015. Have a very Merry Christmas and enjoy the New Year…May each day bring you special moments.

    • Thank you Charlie, you are always very welcome.

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