4 thoughts on “Wordless Wednesday – In the pink.

  1. Now is this a play on words or do I just see the colour differently?!! Not surprisingly, I can never be sure with your posts… but it is very pretty whether pink or blue or lilac, and I am sure you have a friendly chat with it several times a day 😉

    • It was rather dismal when I took the photograph and I didn’t want to use artificial light – is that a plausible excuse for my literary license? I admit it is on the mauve side of pink. Whatever the colour it is very pretty and lovely to have something flower. It is also very fragrant and does not small of garlic like it’s more common cousin Tulbaghia violaceae.

  2. A new one to me I only know ‘ violaceae’. How lovely to have it in bloom in December.

    • A new plant purchased as a dry bulb this autumn, so I’m not sure if it normally flowers in the winter. Violaceae flowers all year round when over-wintered in the polytunnel. Some of the other Tulbaghia are lovely, but as yet I’ve not managed to track down any seed.

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