19 thoughts on “Wordless Wednesday – Surfs Up

  1. Stay safe.

    • Thank you we’re fine, just rockin n rollin in the breeze.

  2. I was thinking of you this morning but knew you had made contingency arrangements after storms a year or two ago to ensure you kept radio contact but wasn’t sure about power – I trust you are not warming your hands and heating tins of beans by candle light and camping gaz? Thanks for sharing your pictures – however high the waves are they are not going to reach us here so we can gaze at them in awe from a safe distance. Hope YOU are safe and secure though.

    • Thanks Cathy, we’re warm and dry. The power was only off for a few hours and we have back-up systems to keep us warm and well fed. The waves out on the reef are awesome and were fairly impressive this morning at high tide. It’s exciting to watch the waves and hail squalls from the safety of the house but with the wind still gusting at 70+ mph I’m staying indoors. We’re fairly relaxed about the big storms now we’re confident that the house can withstand the big blows and that the reef will protect us from the tidal surges. Provided we survive the high tide tonight I can add explosive cyclogenesis to the list.

      • See what I mean about word-dropping… but enjoy your enforced hibernation!

        • So much nicer than “weather bomb”. Still housebound but hope to be liberated by Saturday!

  3. Wow! What an amazing view you have. It looks cold out there though.

    • It is a spectacular view from the safety of the house! I am informed that with the wind chill it’s about -2 degrees, but I’m not going out to check.

  4. I was reading about the storms. The sea looks very exciting! I think it is missing us. Stay warm!

    • Exciting from the safety of the house. I think you’ll be safe in sunny Aberdeen and I hope you don’t get the snow, unless you want a white Christmas.

      • I would love a white Christmas actually!

        • I think you have a greater chance than us even though the Beinns have white shoulders.

          • Went walking yesterday and saw the white tops of the local hills. It is a start.

          • I’m sure there’s more on the way.

  5. it certainly is! Hope you are surviving the storms 🙂

    • We’re doing fine thank you. It must be a little blustery in your part of bonnie Scotland too.

      • Aye it is blowing straight in off the sea, keep waiting for the wind to drop! 😱🌊

        • You may get a respite tomorrow but the weather forecast looks grim for next week. My neighbours inform me that it’s good drying weather – well it is if it wasn’t raining and you could keep the washing on the line!

          • Was very still this morning… Raining now and the winds getting up too! 😃

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