Wordless Wednesday – Is it Spring yet?

Beech Stornoway
Beech, Lews Castle, Stornoway, Isle of Lewis, 24 April 2013

8 thoughts on “Wordless Wednesday – Is it Spring yet?

  1. Definitely yes! It’s pea planting time here on the south coast

    • It will get here eventually, but it’s a bit tardy this year!

  2. The beeches look as if they are defending the piece of land they are standing on, like Great Birnam wood in Macbeth. Good to know you are still resting up and saving your words for when you are fully recovered 😉

    • Just defending the golf course and making sure no one breaks the Sabbath.
      I think you can put the obituary notice back in draw for a while. Thank you I am fully recovered, but at this time of year my literary endeavors are directed to filling in forms for Her Majesty’s Revenue & Customs, Scottish Environment Rural and Agricultural Department, Scottish Natural Heritage and the EU Agriculture Commission et al.!!!!!!

      • Glad you really are fully recovered – I wasn’t sure 🙂

  3. Yes, it came suddenly about ten days ago and knocked my breath away… the greenery has no difficulties in making up for lost time, but I have been struggling trying to catch up – not complaining though! 😉

    • Still waiting and wondering when the temperature will soar into double figures!

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