12 thoughts on “Wordless Wednesday – Love-in-idleness

  1. Liz Morton

    Absolutely beautiful, thank you.

    • Not bad for an arable weed – it’s a welcome addition to my garden where is self-seeds profusely.

  2. Pretty photo!

  3. I love all pansies, they have such expressive faces! Not bad for a weed, as you say….

    • This lot are my “weed of the month” but I haven’t the heart to pull them out. I may regret this next year!

  4. I saw these on the machair last week – so lovely. (I actually knocked on your door but no-one was home!)

    • Hello Freda, I’m so sorry I missed you. The machair in flower is particularly glorious this year.

  5. Never heard it called that before…

    • “Yet mark’d I where the bolt of Cupid fell:
      It fell upon a little western flower,
      Before milk-white, now purple with love’s wound
      And maidens call it love-in-idleness.
      Fetch me that flower; the herb I shew’d thee once:
      The juice of it on sleeping eye-lids laid
      Will make man or woman madly dote
      Upon the next live creature that it sees.”
      It is a little confusing as our Viola tricolour is more often yellow than purple.

      • Ah of course – not that it would have sprung to mind even if my mind had been on the ball as it was not a play I studied 😉

        • The first one I read and still a great favourite.

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