9 thoughts on “Wordless Wednesday – An Invitation

  1. Most definitely a tempting invitation…

    • Why resist? Alas I can’t guarantee it will be here forever.

    • The gate is always open and the buttercups are here every summer, but don’t wait too long.

  2. Liz Morton

    Buttercups – I love buttercups. We have both looked at your photograph & we want to be there!!!

    • So nostalgic wading through field of buttercups – you can do it here, so please come back and enjoy

  3. Yes please! Lovely picture.

    • The gate’s open and it’s open acess in Scotland, so please come in.

  4. Have just found you via Rusty Duck. I love your statement ‘I am the servant of the garden’. Me too! On my way to North Uist and hoping to see flowering machair if it is not too late….

    • The machair is glorious now and it will continue to be so well into July. I hope you enjoy your visit.

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