4 thoughts on “Wordless Wednesday – Turkish Delight?

  1. And what is a turkish pepper, might I ask? It looks very healthy anyway.

    • According to the seed catalogue “long, thin ‘Joe’s Long’ type which is spicy rather than hot and an exceptional cropper. Very attractive plant when in heavy flush”. As we are short of sunshine I might be lucky to produce something that is squat and green. They are handsome plants with pretty flowers, so I live in hope. I’m going to persevere with growing peppers as there is always a small chance that one year I’ll choose the right variety and have optimal growing conditions. Balık kavağa çıkınca (Turkish equivalent of pigs might fly – alledgely)

      • And certainly not the Scandinavian boiled sweets that google came up with first 😉 I wonder if Turkish pigs are any better at flying than British ones? Good luck with them, anyway. I have to say that with our more amenable growing conditions my peppers (boring long red or little orange ones – not very adventurous I am afraid) usually do quite well – sorry 🙂

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