Words for Wednesday

North Wind Eric Gill1929 – Tate Britain

Opus 1

Wind strums the sinews
plucking nerves – discordant chords
Stretching skin taught
beating – staccato rhythm
Striking the ribs
expelling air – bass sibilance
Resonating vibrating
pulsing – elemental beat
Man and wind contrapuntal soloists
before the storm’s crescendo

5 thoughts on “Words for Wednesday

  1. Your vast knowledge extends to music too, clearly – I had to check what contrapuntal meant, but I particularly liked that last ‘verse’ after the build up of different sounds and method of making them. You have hatched a rare breed, I think. Storms are so graphic and therefore ideal for poetry, aren’t they – is Opus 2 simmering away on the back burner? I like the Eric Gill carving too.

    • As ever you are generous in your praise – I’m just an intellectual butterfly fluttering from one subject to another. As for another – be careful for what you wish for – I’ll have to wait for the muse to be inspired, but the weather always fascinates me.

      • If the cap fits…. (hmm – I wonder sort of a cap it is…)

  2. soundslike someone had the flu as well!

    • Just too many walks to the garden to dig vegetables in a strong biting E wind.

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