8 thoughts on “Wordless Wednesday

  1. Somehow, seeing the first buds of spring always fills me with surprise and a sense of wonder…what a beautiful, textural photo.

    • Plaudits to Himself for this one. There are just a few signs that spring is peeping over the horizon.

  2. I love seeing little tree buds 🙂

    • These are perfect miniatures and you need to get up close to appreciate their delicate colours. Absolute gems and a real joy at this time of year.

  3. So there’s hope!!! Hooray!
    Thanks to “Himself” for the great shot!

    • We even have some sunshine and a promise of fine weather for a few days, so spring is definitely hovering.
      Praise to Himself indeed, he seems to have captured the essence.

  4. I feel sorry for people who don’t get pleasure from things like this – it’s wonderful in its simplicity. Please pass on my thanks to Himself for his photographic contribution.

    • Thank you compliments passed on.
      Sadly too few people appreciate the beauty of their world, if they did they might be prepared to cherish it.

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