3 thoughts on “Wordless Wednesday – Waiting for a Sunbird

  1. I had to Google this, Christine, as it looked like a pink muscari in the picture – and on finding out about its habitat I assume you have it growing inside! How tall does it grow, and how long does the flower last?

    • Sorry a bit of a cheat, but I still grow a few “exotics”. This one is very tough, it will survive in the polytunnel in the winter, but to get it to flower it spends the winter in the house. Flower spike is about 2ft and flower head about 6 in long by 4 in wide and lasts at least 3-4 weeks. It also has beautiful glossy leaves. Easy to grow (I grew mine from seed about 10 years ago), produces offsets to give to friends and only needs repotting when trying to escape from the pot. Spends the summer drying in the polytunnel and then gets revived when I remember in the autumn. Flowers anytime from Jan to April.

      • Thank you for the usual detailed info on this 🙂

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